Here we discuss Volvo related topics in english

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(heh, I'm totally keeping the international section alive here...)

Had the noble goal of fixing some major body rust this weekend, but on my way to removing the fender inside the wheel chamber (sorry, no idea what the proper english term for this is) the rear side jack spot broke out and into the body at which point I looked under the car and... holy shiit... rust everyhwere.

Now, the actual car components (the exhaust, control arms etc.) seem fine, but anything that makes up the actual body/chassis is suuuper rusty - way past the point of my flex or even welding as far as I can tell. Bits flaking off, holes...

I want to bring it to a shop to estimate how much it would be to fix the underbody, but I won't be able to go for another month or so because of holidays. (i was gonna bring it to mekonomen, but maybe there is a more specialized shop for this?)

So in the meantime I was wondering if anyone had to have that sort of thing done and knows how expensive this is? Obviously this is a very general statement because I can't properly explain the extent of the damage but just a rough estimate?

Are we talking thousands, ten thousands? Should I rather scrap the car (nooo T-T)?

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