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UnleashFusion skrev:Black grill definitely makes it looks so much cleaner.. Maybe I should do the same on my grill.. hmmm
It will be your next spring project, trust me... hahahaBild
Its a new trend, from today we all hate our OEM grill. lol

(Powered by 5 mad Vikings...)
Briander skrev:Really nice looking with the black grille!
Thank you... I think so too. I was inspired by the V60CC classic grill. Also black outer edges. It gives the car a better balance. The hood of the car is stopped by the chrome on the grill. Now it is more one piece.
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(Powered by 5 mad Vikings...)
Senast redigerad av 1 CrossingCountries, redigerad totalt 0 gånger.
I agree, makes the front of the car less sectioned, if that is a word. Also the new S60 has that kind of black grill, I made the same kind of paint job on my S80.
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Anyway,... found a very boring spot yet a very into your face spot to place my back-up V O L V O Poly Dome Gel Steering Wheel Insert. . Kinda like it, discrete imho.


Order here:


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So because I do not have a Rdesign XC70 ofcourse I ordered this today to cover the Rdesign on my steering wheel.
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Briander skrev: mån 04 mar 2019, 06:15 I agree, makes the front of the car less sectioned, if that is a word. Also the new S60 has that kind of black grill, I made the same kind of paint job on my S80.
Sectioned is a word I think... fully understand you. You have pics of the S80?
CrossingCountries skrev: tis 05 mar 2019, 12:40
Briander skrev: mån 04 mar 2019, 06:15 I agree, makes the front of the car less sectioned, if that is a word. Also the new S60 has that kind of black grill, I made the same kind of paint job on my S80.
Sectioned is a word I think... fully understand you. You have pics of the S80?
My old S80 thread is still on here but here is a pic I found on the phone.
20181226_082149.jpg (217.39 KiB) Visad 451 gånger

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