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CrossingCountries skrev: tor 07 feb 2019, 13:10
Came in today...they look solid but yes they look too yellow for the facelifted MY14+ lights. Now I have doubts placing them.
Oh ye , They will give you the yellow-look when it's off :/
Have you considered the one I linked you instead? they looks covered atleast
UnleashFusion skrev:
CrossingCountries skrev: tor 07 feb 2019, 13:10
Came in today...they look solid but yes they look too yellow for the facelifted MY14+ lights. Now I have doubts placing them.
Oh ye , They will give you the yellow-look when it's off :/
Have you considered the one I linked you instead? they looks covered atleast
Called them today. Will send me pics looking inside the lens. Lets wait and see.

(Powered by 5 mad Vikings...)
In the meantime I ordered Ögonlock (?) for my XC70. Does anybody know the best way to attach them (after painting them ofcourse) I tried them yesterday on a V70 T5 just to get an idea.
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Also I replaced my beige cargo cover for a beige VOR cover -39863725 FK12-
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Dipped my grill today...
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Many great mods, specially the cc-logo on the doors, so simple yet so beautiful.

How about changing to at My14-16 gearleaver?
Micce1980 skrev:Many great mods, specially the cc-logo on the doors, so simple yet so beautiful.

How about changing to at My14-16 gearleaver?
Thank you so much for your positive comments. These little words help at times. Anyway I have considered the 14-Shifter for almost 2 years but everytime I come to the conclusion that with the analog display and the waterfall centerconsole somehow it goes better with the OEM (rDesign) shifter. Personally for the new shifter you need the facelifted interior in my opinion, there is a better balance. Maybe one day I will change but for now jus the squared shifter and the orange indicators. Love it

Yes the CC sticker I must say I like it too. CrossPolo has it and some other cars too. Was thinking about the sticker on the front door below the window. May change one day.

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Grill placed... XC70 SUMMUM D5 AWD POLESTAR...at the same time gave it another ceramic coating. PolishAngel.
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