Här kan ni medlemmar presentera era bilar med bilder, information etc. Skriv gärna era projekt ni håller på med också! Max en tråd per bil!

Moderator: Moderatorer

I'm thinking maybe we should move this thread to the "Garage" part of the forum since that one is sort of.. More show and tell. These model specific categories are often more used for troubleshooting and asking questions about specific models.

Also, in the Garaget part there's a lot of other "modification individuals"... :)

What do you think, @CrossingCountries?
(Great looking car btw!)
Steffe3 skrev:You've talked to me, Schmoyoho and StefanN before (that I know of) ;p And of course you are welcome anyway :)
Yes! You guys are on Swedespeed also... small world. Yes move my TOPIC to another place... that makes sense.

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grillchips skrev:I'm thinking maybe we should move this thread to the "Garage" part of the forum since that one is sort of.. More show and tell. These model specific categories are often more used for troubleshooting and asking questions about specific models.

Also, in the Garaget part there's a lot of other "modification individuals"... :)

What do you think, @CrossingCountries?
(Great looking car btw!)
I totally agree!!

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CrossingCountries skrev:
berrabus skrev:Tü coche se ve bien
Thank you, I am Dutch but I work in Barcelona. My Spanish is almost as good as my Swedish.

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Haha, just saw the plates and assumed your nationality was matching :-)
For info: I only use POLISHANGEL for detailing the car..its expensive but the best product on the market in my opinion...for the plastic I use BOND also made by PolishAngel.

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